February 9

How Can Acupuncture and Herbs Increase Fertility 20 Supplements to Help Increase Fertility


How Can Acupuncture and Herbs Increase Fertility

Many people relate to the uncertainty of the baby waiting game and look for ways to improve their odds. Images of couples trying to get pregnant are featured anywhere from movies to advertisements. Comedies (such as Miss Conception) weave their entire plots around donor sperm and turkey basters. While we will leave the outlying methods to the acting professionals, I invite you to experience the allure and explore the wonders of the natural herb/acupuncture/supplement world.

For Both Men and Women

Natural remedies have been tried and tested over hundreds of years. While FDA does not evaluate herbs, those can provide a natural aid in supporting our health.

Women all over the world have different recommendations (from common knowledge to the downright bizarre). However, even men take supplements to better the chances for conception and healthy pregnancy.

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps to prevent sperm clumping.
  • Zinc helps with fertilization/egg production and may improve sperm count.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf is known to help regulate the menstrual cycle. It also supplies vitamins B, minerals, and iron.
  • Alfalfa supplies necessary minerals and helps to regulate estrogen levels.
  • Stinging Nettle detoxes the body, helps with magnesium/iron/calcium levels, and regulates the uterus environment.
  • Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex Agnus-Castus) is known to regulate hormone imbalances and regulate the female cycle.
  • Cramp Bark supplies nutrients to the uterus, which helps the implantation process. It improves immune function.
  • Black Cohosh, a known anti-inflammatory, stimulates the ovaries/eggs in addition to alleviating cramps.
  • False Unicorn Root may help ovary function as well as aid male fertility.
  • Dandelion Roots aid in the elimination of waste in the body.
  • Siberian Ginseng energizes and balances hormone levels.
  • Ginger is a known antioxidant, alleviates stress, cramps, and nausea.
  • Red Clover serves as natural estrogen, improves circulation, and thickens the wall of the uterus.
  • Partridge Berry (Mitchella Repens) is associated with miscarriage prevention since it aids with uterine health. Native Americans used it to prepare for childbirth. It also regulates the urinary tract.
  • Myo-Inositolaids aids with polycystic ovary syndrome, increases fertility, and may help with the quality of embryos.
  • Folic Acid aids in the production of healthy red blood cells and helps to prevent congenital disabilities.
  • Garlic stimulates blood circulation and aids male fertility.
  • Turmeric helps the immune system and liver detox.
  • Cayenne (a suspected aphrodisiac) aids metabolism, relieves tension and pain by improving blood circulation.
  • Cinnamon regulates blood sugar and hormone imbalance.

Acupuncture/herbs are a part of a natural medicine regimen

Do not feel pressured to memorize or to take notes! Why not refer to your herbalist/acupuncturist for their custom blends to fit your needs. A regimen of acupuncture, coupled with a customized array of vitamins and herbs, works wonders. Deanna Carell Acupuncture produces custom blends for every condition and situation. Schedule your consultation today to customize your holistic treatment. Let mother nature take care of you.

Have you never been to an acupuncture appointment?

Deanna Carell Acupuncture is welcoming new patients to our office. Our natural, acupuncture and facial microneedling treatments are tailored to your specific needs, and are used to create a healthy healing environment for your mind and body. For a consultation to meet with the acupuncturists please call our office or contact us through our online form


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