Baby Boomers were born during a time when the sentiment toward anything from the Far East was generally negative. Now that they are reaching retirement age in record numbers and chronic health care expenses are threatening to collapse Medicare, acupuncture and the preventative medicine concept of Eastern medicine have become the best-kept secret in senior care. There are a number of reasons for this. Let’s have a look:
No Prescriptions
There was a time when senior citizen status could almost be determined by the number of prescriptions filled in your name. That really has not changed. However, any method of healing that requires no prescription will sound refreshing to Baby Boomers as they get older. Acupuncture offers relief for many conditions and symptoms, and there are no side effects. No matter how diligent a physician is with prescriptions, the combination of so many different specialists and medications will always increase the chance of side effects, interactions, and emergencies. There are geriatricians and geriatric pharmacists who can review all of this, but so few older adults see these professionals.
Respiratory Benefits
Respiratory illnesses don’t get easier to relieve with age. Certain ones affecting the upper respiratory tract have shown relief from acupuncture:
Acute rhinitis: Irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose, manifesting mostly in the form of seasonal allergies and the common cold/flu.
Acute sinusitis: Inflammation of the cavities around the nasal passages.
Acute tonsillitis: Inflammation of the two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat.
Eye & Mouth Disorders
Acupuncturists do not perform miracles. While acupuncture does not restore sight, it provides significant relief for common eye disorders associated with aging, such as:
Acute conjunctivitis: Inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and the inner eyelid, also known as pink eye.
Central retinitis: A disease that damages the retina.
Myopia: Near-sightedness.
Cataracts: A condition most associated with old age.
Gums and teeth do not fare well with age, either. Years of use and neglect take their toll. The WHO has conducted studies and clinical trials that have proven acupuncture can help relieve and treat:
Acute and chronic pharyngitis
Post-extraction pain
TMJ disorders
Emotional & Mental Distress
None of the above will benefit a person emotionally or mentally. Then again, neither does the prospect of aging. The aches, pains, and changes cause anxiety and depression. The ability to relax and live in a more balanced emotional state may be the most important benefit a senior can derive from acupuncture. Traditional Chinese medicine does not see the body as interacting independently from the mind, so these problems will have a physiological effect after all.
Ask an older man or woman to name their pain, and the one they are most likely to give is arthritis. Acupuncture relieves all sorts of chronic pain, including rheumatoid arthritis. The frequency, length, and number of treatments vary depending on the individual. Senior citizens are no different. To ease arthritic inflammation, relieve discomfort, and prevent swelling, make an appointment today. Acupuncture for seniors is so important.
In summary, there are numerous benefits for Baby Boomers receiving acupuncrture, from relieving chronic pain to improving mental well-being. To experience these benefits, make an appointment today.